Clubs and Activities available
Chorus Chorus
Grades: 4 & 5
Advisor: S. Harrington
Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge achieved in music classes by performing in choral groups, presenting concerts for community events, PTA programs, etc.
Homework Club
Grades: 3-5
Advisors: L. Kusmick and N. Blazejewski
No Fee
Provides opportunities for students to work cooperatively in small groups to study and complete homework assignments. No Fee
Safety Patrol
Grade: 5
Advisors: D. Demetor and L. Fernandez
Works with East Brunswick Police and school personnel to promote school safety by providing student patrols. No Fee
Student Council
Grades: 3-5
Advisors: M. Romba and L. Calderone
Plans and implements school service projects that benefit the community. Coordinates school activities, student government, promotes school spirit. Serves as an extension of the social studies units on community and civics.
Video Newsmakers/Broadcast Club
Grades: 5
Advisors: S. Buckel and J. Beach-Eberle
Tuesdays, 8:15 a.m.
Provides students with the opportunity to produce, direct, write, and perform in news broadcasts
Drama Club
Grades: 4-5
Advisors: A. Ferrante
Coding Club
Grades: 5
Advisors: S. Islam and T. Venice